A Healthy Life is a Balanced Life


A Healthy Life is a Balanced Life

A Healthy Life is a Balanced Life

What I have learned through the years is a healthy life is a balanced life. You have to find the right balance for you. It’s the yin and yang thing. Being extreme in any direction will lead to imbalance.

When I was in college, years ago, I heard a talk on balancing your life. The speaker talked about how your life is like a chair with four legs. The legs are spirituality, health, relationships, and career. If one of these areas are lacking then your chair/life will be off balance. I found another article Five Areas of Life You Should Balance to Live the Fullest of Life. I really like this article because it breaks it down into 5 areas: Spirituality, Mind, Body, Relationship, and Work.

Do you find you are very successful in your career, but you have no friends or significant other? Or maybe you have a ton of friends, yet you lack any spirituality in your life. I have found myself unbalanced most of my life. I believe part of it is that we are a work in progress. When we get it all right, then what’s the point?

A Healthy Life is a Balanced Life

I am always working on something because I am striving for balance in my life too. As I go through my yoga teacher training, I have learned that balance isn’t about pushing through it. It is more about listening to your body and seeing what it needs.  Life is the same way. Ask yourself these questions.

  1. How am I feeling emotionally?
  2. How is my body feeling?
  3. Am I spending enough time on my relationships?
  4. What does my spiritual life mean to me?
  5. How am I doing at my job or at school?
  6. Where am I spending my money?
  7. What am I spending most of my time doing?

If you are honest with yourself, you will know right away where you are off balance. Make a commitment to yourself today to get real with yourself and work to have a healthy life that is a balanced life.

My outfit: Leggings, Bra, Top



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